

Journal Publications

  • Buchmann, S., Stoop, P., Roekevisch, K., Jain, S., Kroon, R., Müller, C., Hamedi, M.M., Zeglio, E. and Herland, A., 2024. In Situ Functionalization of Polar Polythiophene-Based Organic Electrochemical Transistor to Interface In Vitro Models. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. doi: 10.1021/acsami.4c09197
  • Raja, Shyamprasad N., Saumey Jain, Javier Kipen, Joakim Jaldén, Göran Stemme, Anna Herland, and Frank Niklaus. “Electromigrated gold nanogap tunnel junction arrays: Fabrication and electrical behavior in liquid and gaseous media.” ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 16, no. 28 (2024): 37131-37146. doi: 10.1021/acsami.4c03282
  • Raja, S.N., Jain, S., Kipen, J., Jaldén, J., Stemme, G., Herland, A. and Niklaus, F., High-bandwidth low-current measurement system for automated and scalable probing of tunnel junctions in liquids. Rev. Sci. Instrum. 95, 074710 (2024) doi: 10.1063/5.0204188
  • Jain, S., Voulgaris, D., Thongkorn, S., Hesen, R., Hägg, A., Moslem, M., Falk, A., Herland, A. On-Chip Neural Induction Boosts Neural Stem Cell Commitment: Toward a Pipeline for iPSC-Based TherapiesAdv. Sci. 202411, 2401859. doi: 10.1002/advs.202401859
  • Enrico, A., Buchmann, S., De Ferrari, F., Lin, Y., Wang, Y., Yue, W., Mårtensson, G., Stemme, G.,  Hamedi, M.M., Niklaus, F., Herland, A., Zeglio, E. Cleanroom-Free Direct Laser Micropatterning of Polymers for Organic Electrochemical Transistors in Logic Circuits and Glucose BiosensorsAdv. Sci. 2024, 2307042, doi: 10.1002/advs.202307042
  • Kavand, H., Visa, M., Köhler, M., van der Wijngaart, W., Berggren, P.-O., Herland, A., 3D-Printed Biohybrid Microstructures Enable Transplantation and Vascularization of Microtissues in the Anterior Chamber of the Eye. Adv. Mater. 2023, doi: 10.1002/adma.202306686
  • Buchmann, S., Enrico, A., Holzreuter, M.A.,Reid, M., Zeglio, E., Niklaus, F., Stemme, G., and Herland, A. (2023) Probabilistic cell seeding and non-autofluorescent 3D-printed structures as scalable approach for multi-level co-culture modeling. Materials Today Bio, Volume 21, Agust 2023, 100706, doi: 10.1016/j.mtbio.2023.100706
  • Matthiesen, I., Jury, M., Boroojeni,F.R., Ludwig, S.L., Holzreuter, M.,Buchmann, S., Träger, A.Å., Winkler, T.E., Aili, D., and Herland, A. (2023) Astrocyte 3D culture and bioprinting using peptide functionalized hyaluronan hydrogels. Science and Technology of Advanced Materials, 24:1, doi: 10.1080/14686996.2023.2165871
  • Matthiesen, I., Nasiri, R., Tamashiro Orrego, A., Winkler, T.E. & Herland, A. (2022) Metabolic Assessment of Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells-Derived Astrocytes and Fetal Primary Astrocytes: Lactate and Glucose Turnover. Biosensors 202212, 839. doi: 10.3390/bios12100839
  • Voulgaris, D., Nikolakopoulou, P. & Herland, A. (2022), Generation of Human iPSC-Derived Astrocytes with a mature star-shaped phenotype for CNS modeling. Stem Cell Rev and Rep 18, 2494–2512 (2022). doi: 10.1007/s12015-022-10376-2
  • Hernando, S., Nikolakopoulou, P., Voulgaris, D., Hernandez, R.M., Igartua, M. & Herland, A. (2022). Dual effect of TAT functionalized DHAH lipid nanoparticles with neurotrophic factors in human BBB and microglia cultures. Fluids Barriers CNS 19, 22 (2022). doi: 10.1186/s12987-022-00315-1
  • Enrico, A.Voulgaris, D.Östmans, R.Sundaravadivel, N.Moutaux, L.Cordier, A.Niklaus, F.Herland, A. & Stemme, G.(2022)3D Microvascularized Tissue Models by Laser-Based Cavitation Molding of CollagenAdv. Mater. 2022,2109823. doi: 10.1002/adma.202109823
  • Wang, Y.Zeglio, E.Wang, L.Cong, S.Zhu, G.Liao, H.Duan, J.Zhou, Y.Li, Z.Mawad, D.Herland, A.Yue, W. & McCulloch, I.(2021). Green Synthesis of Lactone-Based Conjugated Polymers for n-Type Organic Electrochemical TransistorsAdv. Funct. Mater. 2021, 2111439. doi:10.1002/adfm.202111439
  • Kavand, H., Nasiri, R. and Herland, A. (2022), Advanced Materials and Sensors for Microphysiological Systems: Focus on Electronic and Electro-optical Interfaces. Adv. Mater.. doi: 10.1002/adma.202107876
  • McCuskey, S.R., Chatsirisupachai, J., Zeglio, E., Parlak, O., Panoy, P., Herland, A., Bazan, G.C. & Nguyen, T-C.(2021) Current Progress of Interfacing Organic Semiconducting Materials with Bacteria. Chemical Reviews Article ASAP  doi: 10.1021/acs.chemrev.1c00487
  • Jury, M., Matthiesen, I., Boroojeni, F.R., Ludwig, S., Civitelli, L., Winkler, T.E., Selegård, R., Herland, A. & Aili, D.(2021) Bioorthogonally Cross-Linked Hyaluronan-Laminin Hydrogels for 3D Neuronal Cell Culture and Biofabrication. Submitted and posted to bioRxiv. doi: 10.1101/2021.09.27.461549
  • Winkler, T.E. and Herland, A. Sorption of neuropsychopharmaca in microfluidic materials for in-vitro studies. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces in print (2021), doi: 10.1021/acsami.1c07639
  • Ouyang, L., Buchmann, S., Benselfelt, T., Musumeci, C., Wang, Z., Khaliliazar, S., Tian, W., Li, H., Herland, A. & Hamedi, M.M.M. (2021) Rapid Prototyping Heterostructured Organic Microelectronics using Wax Printing, Filtration, and Transfer. J. Mater. Chem. C, 2021, doi: 10.1039/D1TC03599A
  • Pezeshkpour, P., van der Wijngaart, W., & Herland, A., Multidirectional Lithography of Cell-Laden Hydrogels 2021 21st International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems (Transducers), 2021, pp. 908-911, doi: 10.1109/Transducers50396.2021.9495694.
  • Matthiesen, I.Voulgaris, D.Nikolakopoulou, P.Winkler, T. E.Herland, A. (2021) Continuous Monitoring Reveals Protective Effects of N-Acetylcysteine Amide on an Isogenic Microphysiological Model of the Neurovascular UnitSmall 202117, 2101785. doi: 10.1002/smll.202101785
  • Voulgaris, D., Nikolakopoulou, P., & Herland, A. (2021) Generation of star-shaped human induced astrocytes with a mature inflammatory phenotype for CNS disease modeling. Submitted and posted to bioRxiv(2021). doi:10.1101/2021.06.07.447336
  • Engdahl, E., van Schijndel, M.D.M., Voulgaris, D., Di Criscio, M., Ramsbottom, K.A., Rigden, D.J., Herland, A., Rüegg, J. (2021) Bisphenol A Inhibits the Transporter Function of the Blood-Brain Barrier by Directly Interacting with the ABC Transporter Breast Cancer Resistance Protein (BCRP). International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2021; 22(11):5534. doi: 10.3390/ijms22115534
  • Matthiesen, I., Voulgaris, D., Nikolakopoulou, P., Winkler, T. E. & Herland, A. (2021) Continuous monitoring reveals protective effects of N-acetylcysteine amide on an isogenic microphysiological model of the neurovascular unit. Submitted and posted to bioRxiv(2021). doi:10.1101/2021.03.26.433307
  • Yasuga, H., Iseri, E., Wei, X., Kaya, K., Dio, G.D., Osaki, T., Kamiya, K., Nikolakopoulou, P., Buchmann, S., Sundin, J., Bagheri, S., Takeuchi, S., Herland, A., Miki, N., and Wijngaart, W. (2021). Fluid Interfacial Energy Drives the Emergence of Three-Dimensional Periodic Structures in Micropillar Scaffolds. Nature Physics (2021). doi: 10.1038/s41567-021-01204-4
  • Nikolakopoulou, P., Rauti, R., Voulgaris, D., Shlomy, I., Maoz, B. M., & Herland, A. (2020). Recent progress in translational engineered in vitro models of the central nervous system. Brain (2020). doi: 10.1093/brain/awaa268
  • Rajewsky, N., Almouzni, G., Gorski, S.A. et al (2020). LifeTime and improving European healthcare through cell-based interceptive medicine. Nature (2020). doi:10.1038/s41586-020-2715-9
  • Herland, A.Maoz, B. M.FitzGerald, E. A.Grevesse, T.Vidoudez, C.Sheehy, S. P.Budnik, N.Dauth, S.Mannix, R.Budnik, B.Parker, K. K.Ingber, D. E. (2020). Proteomic and Metabolomic Characterization of Human Neurovascular Unit Cells in Response to MethamphetamineAdv. Biosys. 2020, 1900230. doi:10.1002/adbi.201900230
  • Delsing, L., Herland, A., Falk, A., Hicks, R., Synnergren, J., & Zetterberg, H. (2020). Models of the blood-brain barrier using iPSC-derived cells. Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience, 107, 103533. doi:10.1016/j.mcn.2020.103533
  • Nik, F.E., Matthiesen, I., Herland, A., & Winkler, T. E. (2020). Low-Cost PVD Shadow Masks with Submillimeter Resolution from Laser-Cut Paper. Micromachines 2020, 11(7), 676. doi: 10.3390/mi11070676
  • Khaliliazar, S., Ouyang, L., Piper, A., Chondrogiannis, G., Hanze, M., Herland, A., & Hamedi, M. M. (2020). Electrochemical Detection of Genomic DNA Utilizing Recombinase Polymerase Amplification and Stem-Loop Probe. ACS Omega, 5(21), 12103–12109. doi:10.1021/acsomega.0c00341
  • Chen, C., Enrico, A., Pettersson, T., Ek, M., Herland, A., Niklaus, F., Stemme, G., Wågberg, L. (2020). Bactericidal surfaces prepared by femtosecond laser patterning and layer-by-layer polyelectrolyte coating. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science. doi:10.1016/j.jcis.2020.04.107
  • Lundin, A.Ricchiuto, P.Clausen, M.Hicks, R.Falk, A.Herland, A.hiPS‐Derived Astroglia Model Show Temporal Transcriptomic Profile Related to Human Neural Development and Glia Competence Acquisition of a Maturing Astrocytic IdentityAdv. Biosys. 2020, 1900226. doi:10.1002/adbi.201900226
  • Winkler, T. E., Feil, M., Stronkman, E. F. G. J., Matthiesen, I., & Herland, A. (2020). Low-cost microphysiological systems: feasibility study of a tape-based barrier-on-chip for small intestine modeling. Lab on a Chip, 20(7), 1212–1226. doi:10.1039/D0LC00009D
  • Jagadeesan, S., Workman, M. J., Herland, A., Svendsen, C. N., Vatine, G. D. (2020). Generation of a Human iPSC-Based Blood-Brain Barrier Chip. J. Vis. Exp. (157), e60925, doi:10.3791/60925.
  • Herland, A., Maoz, B. M., Das, D., Somayaji, M. R., Prantil-Baun, R., Novak, R., … Ingber, D. E. (2020). Quantitative prediction of human pharmacokinetic responses to drugs via fluidically coupled vascularized organ chips. Nature Biomedical Engineering (2020). doi:10.1038/s41551-019-0498-9.
  • Novak, R., Ingram, M., Marquez, S., Das, D., Delahanty, A., Herland, A., … Ingber, D. E. (2020). Robotic fluidic coupling and interrogation of multiple vascularized organ chips. Nature Biomedical Engineering (2020). doi:10.1038/s41551-019-0497-x.
  • Winkler TE, Feil M, Stronkman EFGJ, Matthiesen I, Herland A. Low-cost microphysiological systems: Feasibility study of a tape-based barrier-on-chip system for small intestine modeling. submitted & posted to bioRxiv. 2020. doi:10.1101/2020.01.06.894147.
  • Wang Y, Zeglio E, Liao H, Xu J, Liu F, Li Z, Maria IP, Mawad D, Herland A, McCulloch I, Yue W. Hybrid Alkyl–Ethylene Glycol Side Chains Enhance Substrate Adhesion and Operational Stability in Accumulation Mode Organic Electrochemical Transistors. Chemistry of Materials. 2019;31(9797). doi:10.1021/acs.chemmater.9b03798.
  • Jang KJ, Otieno MA, Ronxhi J, Lim HK, Ewart L, Kodella KR, Petropolis DB, Kulkarni G, Rubins JE, Conegliano D, Nawroth J, Simic D, Lam W, Singer M, Barale E, Singh B, Sonee M, Streeter AJ, Manthey C, Jones B, Srivastava A, Andersson LC, Williams D, Park H, Barrile R, Sliz J, Herland A, Haney S, Karalis K, Ingber DE, Hamilton GA. Reproducing human and cross-species drug toxicities using a Liver-Chip. Science Translational Medicine. 2019;11(517). doi:10.1126/scitranslmed.aax5516.
  • Park TE, Mustafaoglu N, Herland A, Hasselkus R, Mannix R, FitzGerald EA, Prantil-Baun R, Watters A, Henry O, Benz M, Sanchez H, McCrea HJ, Goumnerova LC, Song HW, SP, Shusta E, Ingber DE. Hypoxia-enhanced Blood-Brain Barrier Chip recapitulates human barrier function and shuttling of drugs and antibodies. Nature Communications. 2019;10:2621. doi:10.1038/s41467-019-10588-0.
  • Zeglio E, Rutz AL, Winkler TE, Malliaras GG, Herland A. Conjugated Polymers for Assessing and Controlling Biological Functions. Advanced Materials. 2019;31:1806712. doi:10.1002/adma.201806712.
  • Delsing L, Dönnes P, Sánchez J, Clausen M, Voulgaris D, Falk A, Herland A, Brolén G, Zetterberg H, Hicks R, Synnergren J. Barrier properties and transcriptome expression in human iPSC-derived models of the blood-brain barrier. Stem Cells. 2018;36:1816-1827. doi:10.1002/stem.2908.
  • Maoz BM, Herland A, FitzGerald EA, Grevesse T, Vidoudez C, Pacheco AR, Sheehy SP, Park T-E, Dauth S, Mannix R, Budnik N, Shores K, Cho A, Nawroth JC, Segrè D, Budnik B, Ingber DE, Parker KK. A linked organ-on-chip model of the human neurovascular unit reveals the metabolic coupling of endothelial and neuronal cells. Nature Biotechnology. 2018;36:865-874. doi:10.1038/nbt.4226.
  • Lundin A, Delsing L, Clausen M, Ricchiuto P, Sanchez J, Sabirsh A, Ding M, Synnergren J, Zetterberg H, Brolén G, Hicks R, Herland A, Falk A. Human iPS-Derived Astroglia from a Stable Neural Precursor State Show Improved Functionality Compared with Conventional Astrocytic Models. Stem Cell Reports. 2018;10:1030-1045. doi:10.1016/j.stemcr.2018.01.021.
  • Maoz BM, Herland A, Henry OYF, Leineweber WD, Yadid M, Doyle J, Mannix R, Kujala VJ, FitzGerald EA, Parker KK, Ingber DE. Organs-on-Chips with combined multi-electrode array and transepithelial electrical resistance measurement capabilities. Lab on a Chip. 2017;17:2294-2302. doi:10.1039/c7lc00412e.
  • Herland A, van der Meer AD, FitzGerald EA, Park T-E, Sleeboom JJF, Ingber DE. Distinct Contributions of Astrocytes and Pericytes to Neuroinflammation Identified in a 3D Human Blood-Brain Barrier on a Chip. Deli MA, ed. PLOS ONE. 2016;11:e0150360. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0150360.
  • Benam KH, Dauth S, Hassell B, Herland A, Jain A, Jang K-J, Karalis K, Kim HJ, MacQueen L, Mahmoodian R, Musah S, Torisawa Y, van der Meer AD, Villenave R, Yadid M, Parker KK, Ingber DE. Engineered In Vitro Disease Models. Annual Review of Pathology: Mechanisms of Disease. 2015;10:195-262. doi:10.1146/annurev-pathol-012414-040418.
  • Shaw A, Lundin V, Petrova E, Fördős F, Benson E, Al-Amin A, Herland A, Blokzijl A, Högberg B, Teixeira AI. Spatial control of membrane receptor function using ligand nanocalipers. Nature Methods. 2014;11:841-846. doi:10.1038/nmeth.3025.
  • Heldring N, Nyman U, Lönnerberg P, Önnestam S, Herland A, Holmberg J, Hermanson O. NCoR controls glioblastoma tumor cell characteristics. Neuro-Oncology. 2013;16:241-249. doi:10.1093/neuonc/not214.
  • Zhang D, Pekkanen-Mattila M, Shahsavani M, Falk A, Teixeira AI, Herland A. A 3D Alzheimer’s disease culture model and the induction of P21-activated kinase mediated sensing in iPSC derived neurons. Biomaterials. 2014;35:1420-1428. doi:10.1016/j.biomaterials.2013.11.028.
  • Hamedi M, Karabulut E, Marais A, Herland A, Nyström G, Wågberg L. Nanocellulose Aerogels Functionalized by Rapid Layer-by-Layer Assembly for High Charge Storage and Beyond. Angewandte Chemie International Edition. 2013;52:12038-12042. doi:10.1002/anie.201305137.
  • Herland A, Persson KM, Lundin V, Fahlman M, Berggren M, Jager EWH, Teixeira AI. Electrochemical Control of Growth Factor Presentation To Steer Neural Stem Cell Differentiation. Angewandte Chemie International Edition. 2011;50:12529-12533. doi:10.1002/anie.201103728.
  • Lundin V, Herland A, Berggren M, Jager EWH, Teixeira AI. Control of Neural Stem Cell Survival by Electroactive Polymer Substrates. Wanunu M, ed. PLoS ONE. 2011;6:e18624. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0018624.
  • Björk P, Herland A, Hamedi M, Inganäs O. Biomolecular nanowires decorated by organic electronic polymers. Journal of Materials Chemistry. 2010;20:2269-2276. doi:10.1039/b910639a.
  • Karlsson RH, Herland A, Hamedi M, Wigenius JA, Åslund A, Liu X, Fahlman M, Inganäs O, Konradsson P. Iron-Catalyzed Polymerization of Alkoxysulfonate-Functionalized 3,4-Ethylenedioxythiophene Gives Water-Soluble Poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) of High Conductivity. Chemistry of Materials. 2009;21:1815-1821. doi:10.1021/cm801512r.
  • Andersson BV, Herland A, Masich S. Imaging of the 3D Nanostructure of a Polymer Solar Cell by Electron Tomography. Nano Letters. 2009;9:853-855. doi:10.1021/nl803676e.
  • Tanaka H, Herland A, Lindgren LJ, Tsutsui T, Andersson MR. Enhanced Current Efficiency from Bio-Organic Light-Emitting Diodes Using Decorated Amyloid Fibrils with Conjugated Polymer. Nano Letters. 2008;8:2858-2861. doi:10.1021/nl801510z.
  • Barrau S, Zhang F, Herland A, Mammo W, Andersson MR, Inganäs O. Integration of amyloid nanowires in organic solar cells. Applied Physics Letters. 2008;93:023307. doi:10.1063/1.2949073.
  • Hamedi M, Herland A, Karlsson RH, Inganäs O. Electrochemical Devices Made from Conducting Nanowire Networks Self-Assembled from Amyloid Fibrils and Alkoxysulfonate PEDOT. Nano Letters. 2008;8:1736-1740. doi:10.1021/nl0808233.
  • Herland A, Thomsson D, Mirzov O, Scheblykin IG, Inganäs O. Decoration of amyloid fibrils with luminescent conjugated polymers. Journal of Materials Chemistry. 2008;18:126-132. doi:10.1039/b712829k.
  • Åslund A, Herland A, Hammarström P, Nilsson KPR, Jonsson B-H, Inganäs O, Konradsson P. Studies of Luminescent Conjugated Polythiophene Derivatives: Enhanced Spectral Discrimination of Protein Conformational States. Bioconjugate Chemistry. 2007;18:1860-1868. doi:10.1021/bc700180g.
  • Nilsson KPR, Åslund A, Berg I, Nyström S, Konradsson P, Herland A, Inganäs O, Stabo-Eeg F, Lindgren M, Westermark GT, Lannfelt L, Nilsson LNG, Hammarström P. Imaging Distinct Conformational States of Amyloid-β Fibrils in Alzheimer’s Disease Using Novel Luminescent Probes. ACS Chemical Biology. 2007;2:553-560. doi:10.1021/cb700116u.
  • Herland A, Inganäs O. Conjugated Polymers as Optical Probes for Protein Interactions and Protein Conformations. Macromolecular Rapid Communications. 2007;28):1703-1713. doi:10.1002/marc.200700281.
  • Herland A, Björk P, Hania PR, Scheblykin IG, Inganäs O. Alignment of a Conjugated Polymer onto Amyloid-like Protein Fibrils. Small. 2007;3:318-325. doi:10.1002/smll.200600377.
  • Nilsson KPR, Hammarström P, Ahlgren F, Herland A, Schnell EA, Lindgren M, Westermark GT, Inganäs O. Conjugated Polyelectrolytes-Conformation-Sensitive Optical Probes for Staining and Characterization of Amyloid Deposits. ChemBioChem. 2006;7:1096-1104. doi:10.1002/cbic.200500550.
  • Björk P, Herland A, Scheblykin IG, Inganäs O. Single Molecular Imaging and Spectroscopy of Conjugated Polyelectrolytes Decorated on Stretched Aligned DNA. Nano Letters. 2005;5:1948-1953. doi:10.1021/nl051328z.
  • Herland A, Björk P, Nilsson KPR, Olsson JDM, Åsberg P, Konradsson P, Hammarström P, Inganäs O. Electroactive Luminescent Self-Assembled Bio-organic Nanowires: Integration of Semiconducting Oligoelectrolytes within Amyloidogenic Proteins. Advanced Materials. 2005;17:1466-1471. doi:10.1002/adma.200500183.
  • Wiréhn J, Carlsson K, Herland A, Persson E, Carlsson U, Svensson M, Hammarström P. Activity, Folding, Misfolding, and Aggregationin Vitroof the Naturally Occurring Human Tissue Factor Mutant R200W. Biochemistry. 2005;44:6755-6763. doi:10.1021/bi047388l.
  • Nilsson KPR, Herland A, Hammarström P, Inganäs O. Conjugated Polyelectrolytes:  Conformation-Sensitive Optical Probes for Detection of Amyloid Fibril Formation. Biochemistry. 2005;44:3718-3724. doi:10.1021/bi047402u.
  • Herland A, Nilsson KPR, Olsson JDM, Hammarström P, Konradsson P, Inganäs O. Synthesis of a Regioregular Zwitterionic Conjugated Oligoelectrolyte, Usable as an Optical Probe for Detection of Amyloid Fibril Formation at Acidic pH. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 2005;127:2317-2323. doi:10.1021/ja045835e.
  • Petoral RM, Herland A, Broo K, Uvdal K. G-protein Interactions with Receptor-Derived Peptides Chemisorbed on Gold. Langmuir. 2003;19:10304-10309. doi:10.1021/la035046v.
